6.省部级项目,市政污泥溶菌酶减量化关键技术研究,ZA201806,2018/01- 2021/12,10万,主持
7.四川省科技厅,重点研发项目,18ZDYF3209 成都市海绵城市建设中湿地公园低影响开发(LID)效能监测及其甲烷温室气体“碳桥”机理研究,2018/1-2020/12, 20万元,主研
[1]Ke Zhang, Huiling Cao, Yangxingyue Li, et.al. Enhanced performance of biochar-biosensor applied to heavy metals detection in constructed wetlands and biological mechanisms.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024 (436) :140339.(IF=11.100)
[2]Ke Zhang,Xiangling Wu,Wei Wang, Jia Chen, Hongbing Luo,et al.Anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) driven by multiple electron acceptors in constructed wetland and the related mechanisms of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur cycles.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022,1364. (IF=16.744)
[3]Ke Zhang, Siqiao Yang, Wei Wang, Hongbing Luo.Bioelectrochemical processes and cellulosic carbon source enhance theautotrophic and heterotrophic denitrification of low C/N ratio wastewaterin tidal flow constructed wetland - Microbial fuel cells.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022(363):132368.(IF=11.072)
[4]Ke Zhang,Daiwei Zhuang , Jinping Yang, Xiaoling Liu,Xiaoying Fu,Bing Jiang,HongbngLuo,Performance on horizontal flow and folded plate denitrification bioreactorrecycling waste sawdust and municipal sludge for continuously treatingsimulated agricultural surface runoff.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021(316):128299. (IF=11.072)
[5]Ke Zhang, Huiling Cao, Hongbing Luo, et.al. Enhanced MFC sensor performances and extracellular electrontransport efficiency mediated by biochar and underlying biochemical mechanisms, Journal of EnvironmentalManagement, 2023, 332 ,117282.(IF=8.70)
[6]Ke Zhang, Siqiao Yang, Hongbing Luo, Jia Chen, Xiaochan An, Wei Chen, Xiaoxiao zhang. Enhancement of nitrogen removal and energy recovery from low C/N ratio sewage by multi-electrode electrochemical technology and tidal flow via siphon aeration, 2022. Chemosphere, 299,134376.(IF=8.943)
[7]Ke Zhang, Xiangling Wu, Jia Chen, et al. The role and related microbial processes of Mn-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation in reducing methane emissions from constructed wetland-microbial fuel cell. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021,294: 935-947. (IF=8.91)
[8]Ke Zhang, Xiangkun Li, Wei Wang, et al. CH4 Control and Associated Microbial Process from Constructed Wetland (CW) by Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC). Journal of Environmental management, 2020, 1(260):1-11. (IF=8.91)
[9]Ke Zhang,Jingyue Guo, Hongbing Luo, Wei Chen, Jia Chen, You Mo, Zuyin Zou. Effect of chromium and copper stress on antibiotic resistance genes transfer and associated metabolic mechanism in electrochemical system treating sulfanilamide wastewater. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023(11):109122. (IF=7.968)
[10]Ke Zhang, Huiling Cao, Jia Chen, Tingting Wang, Hongbing Luo.Microbial fuel cell (MFC)-based biosensor forcombined heavy metals monitoring and associatedbioelectrochemical process. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022(47): 21231-21240. (IF=7.139)
[11]Ke Zhang, Xiangling Wu, Wei Wang, et al.Effects of plant location on methane emission, bioelectricity generation,pollutant removal and related biological processes in microbial fuel cellconstructed wetland.Journal of Water Process Engineering 43 (2021) 102283(IF=7.34)
[12]Ke Zhang,Jingting Wang, Xiaoling Liu,et al.Methane emissions and methanogenic community investigationfrom constructed wetlands in Chengdu City.Urban Climate,39 (2021) 100956. (IF=6.663)
[13]Ke Zhang, Tingting Wang Jia Chen*, Jingyue Guo, Hongbing Luo, Wei Chen,You Mo, Zhaolan Wei, Xiuzhong Huang, 2022. The reduction and fate of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and mobile genetic elements (MGEs) in microbial fuel cell (MFC) during treatment of livestock wastewater. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 247,103931. IF=4.184
[14]JinChen, Tingting Wang,Ke Zhang*, Hongbing Luo.The fate of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and mobile genetic elements(MGEs) from livestock wastewater (dominated by quinolone antibiotics)treated by microbial fuel cell (MFC).Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.2021,(218):112267-11279.(IF=7.129)
[15]Ke Zhang,Xiangkun Li, WeiWang, et al.Applications of algal-bacterial complex photosynthetic microbial fuel cells for enhanced electricity generation with simultaneous nutrient removal and wastewater treatment. Biors. Tecnol. 2019, 127-134. (IF=7.539)
[16]Ke Zhang,Yihao Liu, Hongbing Luo, et al. Bacterial community dynamics and enhanced degradation of di-n-octyl phthalate (DOP) by corncob-sodium alginate immobilized bacteria. Geoderma 2017, 305: 264-274. (IF=7.422)
[17]Ke Zhang,Yihao Liu, Qiang Chen, et al. Biochemical pathways and enhanced degradation of di-n-octyl phthalate (DOP) in sequencing batch reactor (SBR) by Arthrobacter sp. SLG-4 and Rhodococcus sp. SLG-6 isolated from activated sludge. Ecotoxicol. Environ. safety, 2017,145: 384-391.(IF=4.527)
[18]Ke Zhang, Yihao Li, Xueli Huang, et al. Effects of submerged plant species on CH4 flux and methanogenic community dynamics in a full-scale constructed wetland. Ecological Engineering. Ecological Engineering, 2017, (107): 12-18. (IF=4.379)
[19]Ke Zhang,Xueli Huang, Yiqi Wu, et al. CH4 efflux and methanogen community dynamics from five common emergent vegetations in a full-scale constructed wetland. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017, (23):11-18. (IF=4.223)
[20]ke Zhang,Qiang Chen, Wei Chen, et al. Biodegradation of Di-n-butyl phthalate in municipal wastewater by bacterial strain isolated from sewage at low temperature. Environmental Science and Engineering, 2016,12 (15): 762-768.(IF=2.172)
[21]Ke Zhang,Yihao Liu, Hongbing Luo, et al.Performance and Microbial CommunityStructure of Bioaugmentation in a Sequencing Batch Reactor Treating Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate Wastewater at Low Temperature J. Environ. Eng., 2018, 144(9): 040-049(IF=2.172))
[22]张可,关允,罗鸿兵,等.生物强化膜生物反应器( MBR)处理邻苯二甲酸二乙酯(DEP)效果及微生物群落结构分析.环境科学, 2016, 12 (37):4760-4767. (EI)
[23]张可,龚颖旭,陈伟,等.生物强化SBR系统中邻苯二甲酸二甲酯的降解.环境科学与技术2017, 04(40): 141-147. (CSCD)
[24]张可,关允,陈强,等.一株五溴联苯醚(BDE-99)降解菌的分离、鉴定及降解特性.环境工程学报, 2017, 05 (11): 3287-3294. (CSCD)
[25]张可,刘福义,陈 伟,等.玉米芯吸附-海藻酸钠固定微生物对十溴联苯醚的降解. 应用与环境生物学报2016,05 (22): 904-910. (CSCD)
[26]张可,陈伟,格桑,等. 玉米芯、竹炭及油枯吸附-海藻酸钠包埋施氏假单胞菌PFS-4对二氯喹啉酸的降解.应用生态学报2017, 02(28): 631-638. (CSCD)
[27]张可,关允,格桑,等.等低温邻苯二甲酸二甲酯降解菌STX-2和STX-5的分离、鉴定及降解特性 环境污染与防治2017,01 (39): 16-27. (CSCD)
[28]张可,陈强,饶洋,等.邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMP)降解菌的分离鉴定及降解特性.安全与环境学报, 2017, 4(17): 645-649. (CSCD)
[29]张可,吴艺琪,陈伟,等.施氏假单胞菌PFS-4的筛选、优化固定及其对二氯喹啉酸的降解性能.生态与农村环境学报, 2016,12(32): 1018-1023. (CSCD)
[1]张可,吴香伶,王威,罗鸿兵一种用于降低甲烷、氨氮污染的CW-MFC装置和方法.国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 202011011944.0,2021-08-24(第一发明人)
[2]张可,吴香伶,陈佳,陈伟,陈剑,杨斯乔 一种微生物燃料电池耦合人工湿地U型装置及运行方法,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 201911263024.5,2021-10-19(第一发明人)
[3]张可,陈强,罗鸿兵.海藻酸钠复合固定化菌剂及其制备方法以及用途,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 201610225872.7,2019-03-12(第一发明人)
[4]张可,罗鸿兵,陈伟,陈佳.带集气罩的湿地型微生物燃料电池反应器.专利号:专利号:ZL 201821152620.7,2018-07-19 (第一发明人)
[5]张可,陈剑,罗鸿兵,陈伟,湿地型微生物燃料电池反应器,专利号:ZL 201820818780.4,2018-11-23(第一发明人)
[6]张可,罗鸿兵,陈伟,陈佳.具有甲烷吸附功能的湿地型微生物燃料电池反应器,专利号:ZL 2018 21152620.7,2018-07-19(第一发明人)
[7]张可,陈剑,罗鸿兵具有甲烷监测功能的湿地型微生物燃料电池反应器.专利号:ZL 201821150192.4,2018-07-19(第一发明人)
[8]张可,吴香伶,陈剑,陈伟 陈佳 基于人工湿地耦合微生物燃料电池的公路径流处理系统.专利号:ZL 201920036586.5,2019-11-5(第一发明人)
[9]张可,吴香伶,陈剑,陈佳,杨斯乔.一种防空蠕动的蠕动泵.专利号:ZL 201920489398.8.,2019-11-22(第一发明人)
[10]张可,吴香伶,陈剑, 一种人工湿地耦合微生物燃料电池公路污水处理系统.专利号ZL201920035992.X,2019-12-03(第一发明人)
[11]Zhang, Ke; Wu, Xiangling; Wang, Wei; Luo, Hongbing; Chen, Jia. A device for enhancing denitrification by combining a horizontal subsurface flow with a vertical flow CW-MFC system in series and an operation method thereof,授权号:2020103245,授权日期:12-23, 2020.(国际专利 第一发明人)
[12]Zhang, Ke; Wu, Xiangling; Chen, Jia; Luo, Hongbing; Wang, Wei; Yang, Siqiao; Zhao, Zhou Preparation Method of Sodium Alginate Composite Immobilized Microbial Inoculum Capable of Remarkably Improving Degradation Efficiency of Quinclorac,授权号:2020103347,授权日期:1-6,2021(国际专利 第一发明人)
[1]张可,陈剑,罗鸿兵.国家软件著作权登记证书 基于微生物燃料电池电化学指标测定及评价系统V1.0登记号:2018SR969977(排名第一)
[2]张可,吴香伶,陈剑.国家软件著作权登记证书 人工温地耦合微生物燃料电池实验自动化控制系统V1.0 登记号:2019SR0516626(排名第一)
[3]张可,吴香伶,陈剑,杨斯乔.微生物燃料电池耦合人工湿地生物传感器水质监测系统V1.0登记号:2020SR0086259 (排名第一)
[1]刘晓玲,张可,罗鸿兵,李玫,黄波,低碳环保农业果蔬产品碳标签体系及应用研究,科学出版社(ISBN: 978-7-03-056222-7), 380千字, 2017.
[2]罗鸿兵,刘晓玲,张可,李玫,黄波,张法星, Bruce C. Anderson,范良千,陈凤辉,付蜀智,潘正康,农村非点源生活污水垂直流人工湿地处理系统CH4排放驱动及控制研究,科学出版社(ISBN: 978-7-03-045590-1), 590千字, 2015.